These amazing businesses are a wonderful support for LPK!
Check them out and visit their websites for more info! 🩷🐾
Visit their website!truly nontoxic
Beauty, Personal Care & Home
"From beauty to body, hair to home, Root was created to make safe products that outperform the toxic ones while keeping prices honest."
Behind the Community
Visit their website!"Behind The Community is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to inspire social change within the Quad Cities area through community outreach, engaging education programs, and advocating for volunteering for charitable causes in the Quad Cities Community. Our core vision revolves around empowering individuals to encourage one another through selfless service."
Kwik Star
Visit their website!"A family-owned company based in La Crosse, WI and home to more than 35,000 co-workers. If you’ve been in Wisconsin, Minnesota or Iowa recently, there’s a good chance we’ve seen you at one of our 800+ stores."
Roling Ford
Visit their website!At Roling Ford, they know that many customers aren't in the market for a brand-new ride. Budget, lifestyles, and family needs often dictate that a quality used model is the best choice. In their pre-owned inventory, you'll find cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs from Ford, as well as other popular makes like Chevrolet, Jeep, and Toyota.